Cuando veo éste cuadro, recuerdo el cariño de mi madre cuando yo estaba enferma, que siempre tenía una mano cálida para mi mejilla y otra fría para mi frente.
Ojalá hubieran suficientes madres y padres para todos esos niños que no pueden disfrutar de un cálido hogar... que desde tan temprana edad se han encontrado solos, de cara con la crueldad de un mundo sin amor para ellos, abandonados, sin comida, sin ropa y sin infancia...
Mi deseo de Navidad es que TODOS ésos niños y niñas encuentren éste año un hogar en el que se puedan sentir tan queridos y seguros como yo cuando era pequeña. Mi deseo... es su felicidad.
Feliz Navidad a todos los niños y niñas del mundo.
... y feliz navidad a todos los mayores, que como yo... por dentro seguimos siendo unos niños...
Xènia de Armengol
Always, when I paint my pictures, I think of my grandfather ... he initiated me into the world of colors and brushes .... and remember ... that feeling of security that is only when you're child. When biggest concern are the furry goblins that live under the beds, the witches that bite at night all the windows or the wolves howl at the moon when the wind has stopped whistling.
When I see this canvas, I remember the love of my mother when I was sick, she always had a warm hand to my cheek and another cold for my forehead.
I wish all children who can not enjoy a warm home, they would find a father and a mother who will make them forget that from a young age have been found alone, face to face with the cruelty of a world without love for them, abandoned, without food, without clothes and without toys...
My Christmas wish is that all these children find a home this year in which they can feel so loved and secure as I did when I was little. My wish ... is your happiness.
Merry Christmas to all children in the world.
... and Merry Christmas to all seniors, like me ... inside we are still a kids ...
When I see this canvas, I remember the love of my mother when I was sick, she always had a warm hand to my cheek and another cold for my forehead.
I wish all children who can not enjoy a warm home, they would find a father and a mother who will make them forget that from a young age have been found alone, face to face with the cruelty of a world without love for them, abandoned, without food, without clothes and without toys...
My Christmas wish is that all these children find a home this year in which they can feel so loved and secure as I did when I was little. My wish ... is your happiness.
Merry Christmas to all children in the world.
... and Merry Christmas to all seniors, like me ... inside we are still a kids ...
Xènia de Armengol
By XÈNIA DE ARMENGOL, S.L Copyright © 2010 All Rights Reserved &
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