El pasado mes de marzo se terminó la exposición "Talk to Me" que se celebraba en Barcelona. A la hora de hacer el recuento de cuadros se echaron en falta dos obras originales. La propietaria del local asegura que los cuadros no fueron vendidos.
Tamaño: aprox. dina3
Técnica: acuarela y tinta.
Si usted puede aportar algún tipo de información sobre el paradero de las obras, agradecemos se ponga en contacto con: artsgrafiques@hotmail.com
Muchas gracias!
Disappeared two original works of the exhibition "Talk to Me" that was held in Barcelona until this past March. The owner of the premises ensures that the paintings have NOT been sold.
Size: approx. DINA3
Technique: watercolor and ink.
If you can provide some information on the whereabouts of the works, please inform:
Disappeared two original works of the exhibition "Talk to Me" that was held in Barcelona until this past March. The owner of the premises ensures that the paintings have NOT been sold.
Size: approx. DINA3
Technique: watercolor and ink.
If you can provide some information on the whereabouts of the works, please inform:
Thank you!